I have a strange attraction to slightly odd things; wooden docks, boardwalks of any kind, picnic tables--and buoys. I love buoys, and I have no idea why. Peggy's Cove is a beautiful area for obvious reasons, but hidden amongst the outer beauty is little treasures--rolling hills where houses sit on top, seemingly precariously balanced atop the crest. Wooden swinging doors to shops that never lock, because who would steal something out there? There are art galleries nestled along the winding road leading to the famous lighthouse, and little cafes beckon you to come in and take a load off your feet, and enjoy some of Aunt Mae's famous pie. But beneath the tourist charm, there's another kind of charm--the kind where you realize that amongst the tourists, there are small town Nova Scotian folk, making a living the only way they know how--through fishing and hard work. Little houses here have their lobster traps set out front with their small canoes or fishing boats resting in the water behind their house. Call it tricks of the trade, call it family tradition, call it small town living--or call it a hidden cove of hometown beauty in a place bustling with foreign folk.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
love was just a dream i had when i was in your bed
Photo #7:

I have a strange attraction to slightly odd things; wooden docks, boardwalks of any kind, picnic tables--and buoys. I love buoys, and I have no idea why. Peggy's Cove is a beautiful area for obvious reasons, but hidden amongst the outer beauty is little treasures--rolling hills where houses sit on top, seemingly precariously balanced atop the crest. Wooden swinging doors to shops that never lock, because who would steal something out there? There are art galleries nestled along the winding road leading to the famous lighthouse, and little cafes beckon you to come in and take a load off your feet, and enjoy some of Aunt Mae's famous pie. But beneath the tourist charm, there's another kind of charm--the kind where you realize that amongst the tourists, there are small town Nova Scotian folk, making a living the only way they know how--through fishing and hard work. Little houses here have their lobster traps set out front with their small canoes or fishing boats resting in the water behind their house. Call it tricks of the trade, call it family tradition, call it small town living--or call it a hidden cove of hometown beauty in a place bustling with foreign folk.
I have a strange attraction to slightly odd things; wooden docks, boardwalks of any kind, picnic tables--and buoys. I love buoys, and I have no idea why. Peggy's Cove is a beautiful area for obvious reasons, but hidden amongst the outer beauty is little treasures--rolling hills where houses sit on top, seemingly precariously balanced atop the crest. Wooden swinging doors to shops that never lock, because who would steal something out there? There are art galleries nestled along the winding road leading to the famous lighthouse, and little cafes beckon you to come in and take a load off your feet, and enjoy some of Aunt Mae's famous pie. But beneath the tourist charm, there's another kind of charm--the kind where you realize that amongst the tourists, there are small town Nova Scotian folk, making a living the only way they know how--through fishing and hard work. Little houses here have their lobster traps set out front with their small canoes or fishing boats resting in the water behind their house. Call it tricks of the trade, call it family tradition, call it small town living--or call it a hidden cove of hometown beauty in a place bustling with foreign folk.
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