Funny how I used to despise running on the mountain. Now it's become my little (big?) sanctuary. There's no denying that the 15 minutes STEEP STEEP hilly run to get to the mountain is a pain in the ass--I don't think I'll ever like that one. And the fact that it gets death-defyingly steep at the very end--when your quads are all WTF ARE YOU DOING--is just brutal.
But once you're on the mountain, it's gravel roads, thick greenery and various dirt/rock trails intertwining. It really is something. I run to the lookout a lot--the place near the top of the mountain that gives you the best view of downtown Montreal.
Of course, I look crazy there. It's a place a lot of people go to for dates. It seems really romantic until you make it a stop along your workout path, but whatever.
There's a trail that leads right to the center of the lookout. So everybody's dressed snazzy and smelling nice, making lovey eyes at each other--and every night at the same time I trip and spastically flail my way out of the trail (that last tree root always gets me) red-faced, heaving, sweating, hands-on-knees in short shorts and a tank top. I'm sure it literally looks like the forest just spat out this crazy-lookin', curly haired, gleamin' eyes goon from the deep. They all just cease what they're doing and stare at me while I gasp for air--it never fails. Everytime, I scare the hell out of everyone.
I'm like the creature from the deep. Loch Ness of the forest. Only it's not a forest. It's the Monument trail. But they don't know that.
After a short pause I guzzle some water, inevitably snort because I get some up my nose, and trot off. It leaves everyone quite confused.
Although I suppose the trail got its revenge on me today. I was pretty fixated on a particularly large tree root and rock about 50 metres ahead. I was doing a tempo run, so I was keeping a pretty fast pace. I was so focused on getting ready to leep over the big rock, that I failed to notice the little one. My toe caught and I went flying ONTO the big rock. I crushed my hand pretty good and my right knee is totally banged up and scraped. Ho hum.
I don't feel very girly anymore. It's kind of depressing me. I'm always in work out gear. My hair never stays nice because I tie it up when I'm running and I'm always running. And because I'm always running I also don't wear make up. My legs are big. My shoulders ache.
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